Sunday, October 19, 2008


As I get more time into my schedule, I'll post here more.

That is all.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Ever get that feeling?

Where you just wanted to say "BLEGH!" and lick your sock and smell some acrylic paint and perhaps defecate a little?
That's my feeling right now.
But guess what!
I hate pooping.

I'm also pretty tired.
I'll be going to bed.
As the raven's eye watches I'm going to bed.
And perhaps becoming a poet.
Or insane.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Painting - [Roger] The Philanthrope

New painting. My favorite so far. C:

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Mah band is rollin'.

I used to find it awkward to answer the question "How's your band doing?" because we hadn't yet made any progress.
Not any more, as we have accomplished things.
We have a name.
We have one song recorded, minus actual instruments.
We have a name for that song.
We have another song written.
And I am writing another.

We just have to actually meet for once, and then we can perhaps get that song recorded in full! :D

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

You Blooter, You

So um yeah.

Haven't updated in a while.
No reason really. Just not much to say.

Got some new music since last time.
Found a new band (Oh The Blood, they're pretty good.).
Learned that the world is sucking more everyday.
Still working to change the latter.

People have died.
From natural causes, and others.
The worst is the others.
And the worst of the worst is when it's the person him/herself.
A friend of mine's mom killed herself when she was in seventh grade.
Another friend of mine's mom died when the girl was seven.

Something's happening with the number seven.
I dunno.
Sometimes I don't want to know.

You know what I hate? People that do things and don't commit. I have a friend who loves something more than anything in the world, or at least she should. But she doesn't want to do the necessary things. I just wish that people would be better to themselves and what they commit to. Especially when it comes to Christianity. You know this is actually very often seen in Christians? I don't know why.
Seriously, sometimes people are just retarded.

Hrm. I dunno. I'm sort of nearing a melancholy state, as people are getting more and more into the attitude that they really don't need as school goes on.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Gabe is totally straightedge, dawg.
I feel so cool.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

One of those people.

I guess I'm one of those drama people now.
And one of those people in a band.
And one of those people...
that has those friends.
You know.
Those friends...
that kill their livers and brains.

I guess I'm one of those people...
That is probably doing track next year. |D


I'm writing this because I have nothing else to do.
I miss too many people.
And all the people that I trust most in the world live at most 2,000 miles away and at least 20-30 miles away. And since I can't hop on a plane whenever I want to or even drive in a car when I need to, I can't see any of these people.

It makes me kind of sad.
And if I could make one really good friend at my school, I know it'd be a whole lot easier and it'd make me that much happier.
He or she would have to share my love of art. And they'd have to have talent and know it. If he or she thought that they had talent but didn't, that'd just suck. The internet must be a common thing.
Basically Tregg, but not in Colorado.
And since he probably won't read this, hopefully not so pissy.

Did you read it?
If so, I was joking, I swear.
For reals.

If anyone is out there reading this, ask me one question, and I will hands down give you one completely honest answer. No strings attached, just tell me I'm amazing and you can have that question and the answer that goes with it.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Italiana donna

I think I'm going to end up marrying an Italian woman.



I AM GHOST Street Team

I joined I Am Ghost's official street team. The following is an obligation, please indulge me with a click. :B

Saturday, August 16, 2008

I'm alright, thanks for asking. :)

I really like it how the one person that I created a blog for hasn't commented on my blog more than a few times.


Well, my first week of school has gone by. It was okay. French is going to be a beast of a class. Math is probably going to be pretty easy. Synergy lit is going to be a beast, but with a quite enigmatic teacher. Science'll be a snap, if I could get the online textbook to work. Lunch is fine, meetin' some people, makin' some peeps. Social studies will probably be a bit average. Webpage design is kind of boring, and I don't see it changing much.
And that's the jist of it, thanks for asking.

Also, I got an email from the past. I'll be getting another in September. I guess I'll have a collection. :\
And I'm trying to learn guitar. If my D string would tune, that'd be a whole lot easier.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Goodbye For About Four Years, Not Including Holiday Visits

My sister just moved to Texas.

After I graduate high school we're going to travel Europe together.
I miss her. X:

Monday, July 21, 2008

Dragon*Con Art Gallery

I'm entering to see if I can get in. Pray for me, plz. kthxbai.

EDIT: Nevermind. I'm waiting 'til next year. :3

Oh, and TTRGEEGGGG! I need some pictures (as high resolution as possible) of the rainbow farting bunny painting. Because I have to have 7 pics for the judging-to-see-if-you-can-get-in process.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

45345645368-Pronged Fork in the Road

I dunno what to do in my life.

And I can do a lot.
I'm smart and talented and have a lot of potential.
But what my mom wants for me and what I want for are different. And I have NO idea what God wants for me. I'll figure it out eventually, I guess. God'll probably eventually get so fed up with me being a complete retard and not seeing the obvious, and of course he'll knock me over the head with divine inspiration.

I could be a...
Medical Doctor.
Nursing Practitioner.
Graphic Designer.
Homeless Person.

and so much more.

The problem is, I don't know what is best for me. In fact, only God knows that, and I don't know how exactly to give up everything to Him. Quite frankly, I don't even know if He needs me to finish high school. Like I said before, I'm a smart kid. And I have a library full of information. If I want to know about, say, "Modern Probability Theory and Its Applications,"  then I can simply take the book from the shelf next to me and read it. I can probably do pretty good on the GED right now, before even my first day of high school.
You know what? Right now, I'm looking for something. And I don't know what. It's a piece of me, and I don't know what it's in. But when I find that out, I'm ripping that piece of me out of it, and giving it to God. He needs to control me, and I need to stop resisting.
Oh geez. I've seen what God can do. Not all of it, of course, only a small fraction. And I plan to see a lot more in my lifetime. I know that God will do great things with me, to glorify Him. I really just want to do things for God. I love Him, I really do. And He loves me infinitely more. So I want to forever be a bright light in a dark place. I want the fire in me to become an inferno.

So. My few readers, I'm sure you are done with my ramblings. And I'm sure that you couldn't understand where I was going with that. I'm sure that you can tell how much in need of guidance I am. Bleh. Good night all, and God bless.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Was At Camp

Came home from camp last night.

Was really cool.
The speaker was incredible.
The worship was incredible.
The other activities were incredible.
Jesus was indelible.
The food sucked.

Watch the sermons and the every thing elses at
--> <--

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Painting Pics

Sorry for the epic fail quality of the pics.

I'll see if I can scan it in three or less parts. P:

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Eye less than three PPL

They're so cool.

And so creepy.
And so nice.
And so mean.
And so happy.
And so sad.
And so apathetic.
And so emotional.


I'm currently working on a painting. And it's pretty sweet. I'll probably be done today or tomorrow, and will upload pictures because my scanner is a small piece of crap.

I might try selling it.
For, like $100-250.
'Cause I'm pimpin' like that.
And need a heck of a lot more paint. And some canvas. P:

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Talk Podcast

So, Tregg, another friend, and me were supposed to do this little talk show podcast thing. It'd be cool, because we're cool, and everyone would love us.

SHOUTOUT to Tregg, you have a mic for your comp?
Also, you ever get on AIM?

Unrelated, random pixel art that is unfinished and crappy.

Is finished, and pretty sweet. :3

Probably not the smoothest animation ever, but I knew what it was going to be, and had to do it somehow. :P

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Something a bit old that I've touched up with some dithering. Wondering how I did. :3

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


So my bestest friend in the whole wide world just got a... commission? for this band. He's doing art for 'em.

And I'm so happy for him.
But now I wish that people would recognize my artistic ability. P:

Oh, and I bleached my hair last night. The stuff was something I haven't used before and was OMG SO DANG POTENT.
I was itching and writhing in pain while waiting for it to work it's magic.
Sometime in the future I will be getting some blue added. :3

Thursday, May 29, 2008


I wish the few readers of my blog would comment.

That is all.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

People and Ye Olde Internetz

Most people change when they get on the internetz. Most people either become more mature or their true nature is revealed. Then there are those people... n00bs you might call them. Using excessive punctuation, capitalization, but none of it really where it should be. Basically, they have no skillorz in t3h grammarz and they think every thing is so dramatic!!!!!!11!111//!!/!1/!/!shiftone1/!

Those n00bs act like that in real life. No. For serious. They do. One of my friends for example. Drama queen. To the extreme. Pretty much a crappy personality in general, but I guess I see some hope for her. Though she's too adamant in her nature...
This isn't about her.
She's just an example.
She's like that in real life. And guess what she is on the internetz?

foh shoh.

And it's that type of person that is cancer ruining America.
I'd tell you who saves America, but I'd be breakin' da Rules.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Crayola Markers

Okay, so lately, I've been doing some pretty much crap art.

Objective art, anyway.
The things are so poorly rendered in form. But...
That's not the point of what I've been drawing. I've been using colour, lots of colour. With Crayola markers. They are INCREDIBLE.
So the point of my art lately is really to look good in form, as it's pretty much random doodles and rainbows.
All my drawings seem so cheerful and happy.


But I like what I've been drawing.


This whole blog thing is still kinda new to me, and I don't really know what to write about. X:

Speaking of the blog, I have no idea how to alter this code so that it has the colours that I want it to have...
Oh well, I guess I'll figure it out. P:

I figured it out!
It shows, doesn't it? ;D

Sunday, May 25, 2008



So I can buy it on iTunes, riiiiight? Yeah. And I can probably burn to DVD as well... Oh hooray, I can't wait to do this. C:

And listening to The Ting Tings.
They're good. (:

It's done downloading! :D
*watches it*

Saturday, May 24, 2008

$25 iTunes Gift Card

So I just got this iTunes gift card for $25. I now have $17.01 left. WHAT DO I BUY?!

Oh, and my bestest friend in the whole wide world moved to the other side of the state Colorado.  I'm sad.

I wish I could sing. Or rather, I wish I knew if I could sing. Actually, I can sing, only highly stylized, so I would need to find people with musical talent that would be okay with making emo music. X:

I don't like what's been happening lately. ;~;