Saturday, August 16, 2008

I'm alright, thanks for asking. :)

I really like it how the one person that I created a blog for hasn't commented on my blog more than a few times.


Well, my first week of school has gone by. It was okay. French is going to be a beast of a class. Math is probably going to be pretty easy. Synergy lit is going to be a beast, but with a quite enigmatic teacher. Science'll be a snap, if I could get the online textbook to work. Lunch is fine, meetin' some people, makin' some peeps. Social studies will probably be a bit average. Webpage design is kind of boring, and I don't see it changing much.
And that's the jist of it, thanks for asking.

Also, I got an email from the past. I'll be getting another in September. I guess I'll have a collection. :\
And I'm trying to learn guitar. If my D string would tune, that'd be a whole lot easier.

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