Sunday, August 24, 2008


Gabe is totally straightedge, dawg.
I feel so cool.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

One of those people.

I guess I'm one of those drama people now.
And one of those people in a band.
And one of those people...
that has those friends.
You know.
Those friends...
that kill their livers and brains.

I guess I'm one of those people...
That is probably doing track next year. |D


I'm writing this because I have nothing else to do.
I miss too many people.
And all the people that I trust most in the world live at most 2,000 miles away and at least 20-30 miles away. And since I can't hop on a plane whenever I want to or even drive in a car when I need to, I can't see any of these people.

It makes me kind of sad.
And if I could make one really good friend at my school, I know it'd be a whole lot easier and it'd make me that much happier.
He or she would have to share my love of art. And they'd have to have talent and know it. If he or she thought that they had talent but didn't, that'd just suck. The internet must be a common thing.
Basically Tregg, but not in Colorado.
And since he probably won't read this, hopefully not so pissy.

Did you read it?
If so, I was joking, I swear.
For reals.

If anyone is out there reading this, ask me one question, and I will hands down give you one completely honest answer. No strings attached, just tell me I'm amazing and you can have that question and the answer that goes with it.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Italiana donna

I think I'm going to end up marrying an Italian woman.



I AM GHOST Street Team

I joined I Am Ghost's official street team. The following is an obligation, please indulge me with a click. :B

Saturday, August 16, 2008

I'm alright, thanks for asking. :)

I really like it how the one person that I created a blog for hasn't commented on my blog more than a few times.


Well, my first week of school has gone by. It was okay. French is going to be a beast of a class. Math is probably going to be pretty easy. Synergy lit is going to be a beast, but with a quite enigmatic teacher. Science'll be a snap, if I could get the online textbook to work. Lunch is fine, meetin' some people, makin' some peeps. Social studies will probably be a bit average. Webpage design is kind of boring, and I don't see it changing much.
And that's the jist of it, thanks for asking.

Also, I got an email from the past. I'll be getting another in September. I guess I'll have a collection. :\
And I'm trying to learn guitar. If my D string would tune, that'd be a whole lot easier.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Goodbye For About Four Years, Not Including Holiday Visits

My sister just moved to Texas.

After I graduate high school we're going to travel Europe together.
I miss her. X: