Tuesday, May 27, 2008

People and Ye Olde Internetz

Most people change when they get on the internetz. Most people either become more mature or their true nature is revealed. Then there are those people... n00bs you might call them. Using excessive punctuation, capitalization, but none of it really where it should be. Basically, they have no skillorz in t3h grammarz and they think every thing is so dramatic!!!!!!11!111//!!/!1/!/!shiftone1/!

Those n00bs act like that in real life. No. For serious. They do. One of my friends for example. Drama queen. To the extreme. Pretty much a crappy personality in general, but I guess I see some hope for her. Though she's too adamant in her nature...
This isn't about her.
She's just an example.
She's like that in real life. And guess what she is on the internetz?

foh shoh.

And it's that type of person that is cancer ruining America.
I'd tell you who saves America, but I'd be breakin' da Rules.

1 comment:

Tregg "The Flyingape" said...

i did it for the lulz... did you?